Rescue 1 Award

Aim: To introduce candidates to different techniques of personal contact in swimming rescues with various types of subject, while ensuring minimum risk to the rescuer.


  • Minimum age of 12 years  on date of assessment
  • Safety 4 and Endurance 1 or Survival 1.

Award: Certificate

Dress: Swimsuit / Wetsuit only

Validity: 2 years

Ratio – Recommended examination ratio 16:1 (Examiner should ensure that safety is paramount)

Test Items

BLS 2 (Skills and Theory).
2. Oral test: –
(a) Personal Safety.
(b) Hazards in open water situations.
(c) Principles of simple rescue.
(d) Correct follow up procedures.
(e) Recognition of emergency
(f) Non-contact swimming rescues.
(g) Personal contact rescues.

3. Demonstrate one skill from each of the
following: –
(a) Any item from the Safety Awards.
(b) Defensive actions.

4. Appropriate entry, 25 metres head-up
approach to a distressed subject. Make
suitable contact and bring 25 metres to
shore using a carry appropriate to the

5. Appropriate entry and 25m head up
approach with a canbuoy or rescue tube
to a tired/injured swimmer and tow 25m
back to safety

6. Demonstrate ALL the following
approaches and carries in any
combination as selected by the
Examiner. (Distance – 10 metres
approach and carry).
(a) Approaches: Rear, Underwater
and Front Surface.
(b) Carries: Cross-chest, Hair, Head,
and Underarm Cross-chest.


  1. As per CFR Handbook.
  2. As per Rescue Skills Manual.
    Knowledge of the difference between the drowning non-swimmer and the tired, weak or poor swimmer (Essential).
  3. (a) Greater confidence and speed than in Safety Awards.
    (b) Defensive actions – use mini scenarios.
  4. Simulated rescue using mini scenarios. Aids may or may not be available at examiner’s discretion. Disengagement rather than restraints should be used in the case of struggling subject.
  5. A close look at contact rescue techniques in isolation. Options to include both conscious and unconscious subjects. Levels should be used where appropriate.